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Meridian Mobile Vet

Barbara Butchko provides compassionate in home acupuncture, hospice and euthanasia services for your animal friends.  Charlotte NC and surrounding areas.

Alliance of Divine Love The Alliance of Divine Love welcomes you to its website. PURPOSE: The content of this site is presented to you by the Organization of gentle souls who watch over you. Use it to increase and enliven your spiritual awareness and to draw you ever nearer in the Deep Love.

Animal Talk A Website for Penelope Smith, pioneer in the Interspecies Telepathic Communication field. Provides Animal Communicator Directory. Species Link The Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication  If you love animals and are open to the possibility of communicating with other species, if you desire to learn as much as you can about communication with animals or if you are a practitioner in this field, Species Link is vital for you!  Read true stories of the amazing results of communicating with animals plus prose and poetry transcribed directly from our non-human friends. You ll find methods to learn interspecies communication, books and resources, the latest issues and breakthroughs, questions answered by seasoned communicators, a directory of animal communicators for services and support, plus readers stories, poems, art, book reviews, and letters. Species Link is a forum and network to share experiences, helpful hints, insights, humor, growth along the path, the joy of deep understanding and heightened awareness with all beings.  Join the growing community of beginning to advanced animal communicators by subscribing to the only magazine completely dedicated to the subject. See sample articles on Editor: Penelope Smith, author of Animal Talk and When Animals Speak. Published quarterly since 1990.  To order Species Link $25/year (4 issues)  Make check or money order in U.S. $ to Anima Mundi Incorporated (not Species Link, please)  P.O. Box 1060 , Point Reyes , CA 94956 U.S.A. Outside US/ Canada , add $10 for shipping. Single issue $7. or pay online by credit card or checking account through Pay Pal at  Subscribe to more than one year at a time for only $20/year. Available: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005  Yearly subscriptions begin with the spring issue, so all published issues of the current year will be sent when you subscribe.

tteam-ttouch Holistic health care and training approach for horses, dogs, cats and other animals.

Defenders of Wildlife Defenders of Wildlife provides wildlife updates and environmental network

Healing Touch For Animals Komiter healing method and Healing Touch For Animals is to teach and apply energy medicine, assisting animals with health and well being, while building a deeper connection between animals and humans

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